Marstal – Faaborg (Denmark)

6 June 2022–19°Wind on, sails offDeparture: 10.15Arrival: 14.00Weather: Overcast, 16 degrees and occasional drizzle, later sun and 18 degrees.Wind: 12-20 knots W-SWDistance: 20 milesDetails:First leg sailed together with the Welvaeren We wake up with the expected grey clouds, but it is not really cold. Patty gets a sandwich and after breakfast, as agreed, all 4 […]

Day trip Marstal

Denmark5 June 2022–18°Not a mile forward, at least not by sail t is Whit Monday and the sun is shining brightly. We spend a nice day at anchor and do some laps around the shore for small shopping (for the bbq and a bigger guest flag from Denmark), doing laundry (now that we have shore […]

Aeroskobing – Marstal (Denmark)

4 June 202217°13 miles motoringDeparture: 10.00Arrival: 12.00 (ish)Distance: 13 milesWeather: Start of the day somewhat cloudy, no wind and around 11.00 the sun broke through. 20 degreesDetails: we met the Welvaeren (Bavaria 37) and her crew. Marcel and Astrid. After installing the ingenious anchor rinser with the surface water high-pressure washer, we raise the anchor […]

A sunny day in Aerøskobing

Denmark3 June 2022 We jump on and around the deck as early as 08.00. Then it’s still a bit cloudy, but fortunately the sun comes out soon and we get the T/T WJ out of the Davits. (The dinghy, that is). Around 11.00, we head to the harbour and are able to disembark just fine. […]

Maasholm to Aerskobing (Isle Aero in Denmark)

Distance: 35 milesDeparture: 09.00Weather: Cloudy, 15 degreesWind: West 16-24 kts We wake up and, as predicted, this Thursday is a day for making miles and not for sunbathing (unfortunately). But we definitely like sailing, so we set sail and just after the exit (Schleimunde) we unfurl all the sails and make nice speeds with 16 […]

A quiet day at Maasholm

We decide to take it easy for a day. The sun is shining and we are chill at anchor. So the day is filled with some reading, doing a bit of chores, coordinating with Rob where he’s flying to when he takes off next week and thus looking at some course. Early in the afternoon […]

From Rendsburg to Maasholm

Departure: 09.30Arrival: 19.00Miles: 45 (ish)Weather: Sunny / 19/20 degreesWind: SW 4-6 ktsDistance travelled:  45 miles (ish)Details:    Diesel bunkered: 325 litres (a Euro 2.22 de litre)Cost to the (association port) Euro 33 We wake up early (as always) to a magnificent sunrise. At 8.30 the ‘hafenmeisterin’ is there. We want to use diesel, despite the expected […]

Cuxhaven – Rendsburg

Distance covered in 10 hours: 66 miles (incl. Brunsbuttel lock)Weather: partly cloudy with a stray splashWind: SW nilLeft: 08.30At lock: 11.00Arrived at Rendsburg: 18.00Particulars: remarkably smooth passage through Brünsbuttel lockWe naturally want to sail with as much current as possible to Brünsbuttel. So we left Cuxhaven at rising tide.Due to virtually no wind, we have […]

Helgoland – Cuxhaven

Distance covered in 5 hours: 35 miles Departure Sunday, May 29 – 06:15 a.m.Weather: drizzly and around 17 degreesWind: NW, 20-16 ktsAccording to the calculations, we want to be in front of Brünsbuttel lock (50 miles) by 2pm at the latest for optimal use of the current with us. Assuming an average of about 8 knots […]

Helgoland (Germany)

Weather: sunny with occasional clouds – around 17/18 degreesAccommodation cost (only) €27We set off to explore the island. The island known for its coloured wooden houses, birdwatching, its rocky village building and, of course, duty-free. We wait a while until high tide makes disembarking a little easier and then walk through the lower village. We […]