Blog 35: An Adventurous Christmas and New Year on Terschelling

It all began on a cold winter day when we set sail on the Willem Johannes towards Terschelling. Our hearts were filled with anticipation and excitement, but unfortunately, the strong winds had other plans. We had to divert to Enkhuizen, a pleasant place but not quite the island experience we longed for. Nevertheless, we still […]
From sweet water back to salt
23-35 July 2023: From sweet water back to salt…again in heavier winds From Stavoren to Amsterdam and onwards to Scheveningen At 9.00 am, after coffee and breakfast, we are in front of the lock and we are allowed in immediately. It’s blowing heavily outside. Lovely. Funny how we experience this so differently since we have […]
From salt to sweet waters
From salt to sweet waters…sitting out another storm After a few days on the lovely isle of Vlieland we see the winds and weather turning to a little rougher. We decide to take the WJ to sweet water. No worries, there are small islands in the Frisian nature reserves also. So bright and early we […]
WJ is heavy waters
Sailing Willem Johannes left the port of Terschelling at 06.00 hrs on the 13th of July.The winds are S-SW 20-24 kts. Winds the WJ likes to get up to speed. Yet sailing out between the island to get to the route which sets on a sailing course east is at first against wind and waves […]
55 miles sailing in the sun to the Isle of Terschelling
Date: July 10, 2023Distance today: 32 milesWeather: SunWind: S-SW 4-3Departure: 08.30 hrsArrival: 14.00 hrsEngine hours: 1 Yes, we know that pronouncing the name of our destination is challenging for anyone who is not Dutch. Sorry for that people 😉.But we are setting sail to one of the 5 Isles on the shallow seas called ‘The Wadden’. They […]
Sails up for a 3 week journey
Departure Monnickendam: 7.15am (Saturday)Distance covered: 55 milesWind: O/NO 17 kts later 4 ktsWeather: ☀️ 30 degreesCrew: Robin, Patty-Lou, Rob, Danillo and dog GaffelWe left Monnickendam with a nice breeze. To get to Enkhuizen sailing. We first made a small turn towards the horse of Marken and then in a nice straight line to Enkhuizen. All sails up and we’re doing […]
Blog 28
As spring has finally arrived in te Netherlands, the Willem Johannes raises the sails to journey a week through The Netherlands. We started in the Marker Wadden which was only founded (read: man-made) in 2017. These small nature reserve island have the function of renewing the birdlife and restoring the saline in the Marker-lake which […]
From Troense to Nyborg
Denmark9 June 2022–19°No wind, lots of sun and a porpoiseDeparture: 10.30Arrival: 14.30Distance: 22 milesWeather: Lots of sun, a cloud here and thereWind: 4-7 kts S-SW We start the day quietly as always, clearing the dinghy and then quietly raising the anchor. We expect a lot of seagrass on the chain, but it’s not too bad. […]
From Faaborg – Troense (Denmark)
Denmark8 June 202218°Island hopping, but differentDeparture: 09.30Arrival: 14.00Distance: 17 milesWind: SW 8-14 ktsWeather: Cloudy in the morning, sun from noon onwards, 19 degrees The day starts with clouds, but it’s a mild temperature. After taking out some final rubbish, we cast off the mooring lines and sail out of the bay in a very calm […]
Day trip Faaborg
Denmark7 June 202216°Small project and loafingWeather: Cloudy, lots of wind (Southeast to 24 kts) 2 short showers and some sun. In short: Jantje laughed and cried.Special feature:No shore power (cable not long enough), but solar panels work fine.Project ‘hammock’ a success.Overnight cost is Euro 43 per night. We hesitated to sail to Troenso today (with […]