6 June 2022
Wind on, sails off
Departure: 10.15
Arrival: 14.00
Weather: Overcast, 16 degrees and occasional drizzle, later sun and 18 degrees.
Wind: 12-20 knots W-SW
Distance: 20 miles
First leg sailed together with the Welvaeren
We wake up with the expected grey clouds, but it is not really cold. Patty gets a sandwich and after breakfast, as agreed, all 4 ships (Welvaren and neighbours and Willem Johannes and neighbours) leave for different destinations. The wind is not very strong then. We decide to set all sails to have a nice speed to Faaborg. We don’t want to sail in too late in case the harbour is secretly fuller after all.
Now we can sail wonderfully and catch up with the Welvaeren, whose destination is Lyo By. We will visit the town and port that is new to us: Faaborg. The sun breaks through and the wind picks up, so we end up making speeds of 9 knots. Everything flexes and mooring in the 1st marina is a breeze. Patty had already called the harbour master and there was plenty of room. We were allowed to moor behind the “Mogge” and he laughed when I explained what that means in Dutch.
We do a tour of the (deserted) town and the marina and then eat a quick fries before lazing away the rest of the afternoon on board.
Check the YouTube video matching this story: