Maasholm to Aerskobing (Isle Aero in Denmark)

Maasholm to Aerskobing (Isle Aero in Denmark)1

Distance: 35 milesDeparture: 09.00Weather: Cloudy, 15 degreesWind: West 16-24 kts

We wake up and, as predicted, this Thursday is a day for making miles and not for sunbathing (unfortunately). But we definitely like sailing, so we set sail and just after the exit (Schleimunde) we unfurl all the sails and make nice speeds with 16 kts of wind. (7 knots on average). After rounding the island of Aerö, the wind picks up, but we then take the downwind course, so we run 8 kts minimum. Aeroskobing looms and we decide to drop anchor again. The rest of the day we lounge on board, eat chicken with asparagus and do some minor maintenance…..

Check out the YouTube movie with this story:

YouTube video
Maasholm to Aerskobing (Isle Aero in Denmark)
Robin en Patty-Lou Middel

Robin and patty-lou

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