Nauerna – Helgoland Distance in 27
Hours: 200 miles
Departure: 26 mei 2022 – 09.00 o’clock
Weather: sunny
Wind: ZW to NW 14 – 40 kts
It is Ascension Day when we leave, so the Nauerna bridge does not turn until 9am. We had wanted to leave earlier to have slightly less strong wind on expected arrival Helgoland. So be it. We set off for a tough sail. At 10.45 we are in front of the IJmuiden lock, after a short wait in and behind it, of course just when we had stowed all lines and fenders, we are requested to go ashore for inspection by the police. This went smoothly and pleasantly, by the way, and actually nice to have all documents in the folder in order 😉
Out to sea and on a fair wind all sails up we sailed smoothly (averaging 9-10 kts) towards the mudflats. The wind is SW and fluctuates around 14-20 kts. Waves are around 1-1.5 metres and it is all pleasant. Patty does experience slight physical complaints by then: Headaches and muscle aches in particular. This also manifests itself during the trip in light fever, shivering and 3 x spitting up. So be it. Around 17.00 we round Texel and ahead of the wind, which increases to above 20 kts. We decide to continue only on jib. When we haul in the sails, we experience a moment of adrenaline when the bazaan sheet breaks loose. We notice this in time and quickly fix it. We then continue into the night with speeds now around 6.6-7 kts). We start the watch changes and each sleep in our own beds at 3 o’clock. Robin experiences a beautiful sunset, albeit with a fixe shower as well. That, in turn, gave him beautiful pictures.
During the night, the wind picked up and we decide at the watch change in the morning to see if we can still make it to Nordeney. That is around 35 miles off Helgoland. We adjust the course, but because the waves and wind on arrival are too high and bad on the approach route, we don’t dare and set course for Helgoland again. The WJ handles the high waves and wind incredibly well. We roll nicely, but feel safe. Patty does get lousier, but Robin, who had the last sleep, is fit and steers her safely over both systems. On arrival in Helgoland, we sail in with NW ‘gusts’ around 40 kts. Just in time, in other words. We are directed to the high North Quay on the wall by the ladder to moor. It’s low tide, sosssssss…….. quite a high side with semi-offshore wind. Fortunately, we get help ashore and thanks to the ‘Keesjes throwing’ (some may not know what that is, so feel free to send your question in the comments ;-)) of the neighbour (an instructor’s boat), we get the WJ moored…..but….we made it After catching up (and aspirins for Patty), we eat a ping meal, tidy up the ship, because….. a couple of cupboards didn’t quite make it after all 😉 and after a shower, some catching up and apping with friends and family, we hit the bunk at 20:30.
Check out this YouTube-movie: