Distance covered in 10 hours: 66 miles (incl. Brunsbuttel lock)
Weather: partly cloudy with a stray splash
Wind: SW nil
Left: 08.30
At lock: 11.00
Arrived at Rendsburg: 18.00
Particulars: remarkably smooth passage through Brünsbuttel lock
We naturally want to sail with as much current as possible to Brünsbuttel. So we left Cuxhaven at rising tide.
Due to virtually no wind, we have to do everything by engine. It is what it is.
We are the only ones in the lock at Brünsbuttel and that after only 15 minutes of bobbing. Yessssss!
Cruising across the NOK also goes smoothly. The weather is mostly cloudy, but fine in temperature. The low-flying helicopter comes over twice. Patty cooks a pasta meal.
We call the marina to see if there is room ….no problem. We moor at 6 pm and decide to go to the Edeka supermarket straight away. Get some fresh stuff and a drink-lif-lafs dinner for on board when we return. After a beautiful sunset, we are in the cage in good time.
Check out the YouTube video: